Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Finding the Best Garmin Forerunner

!9# Finding the Best Garmin Forerunner

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If you're in the market for a new Garmin Forerunner, you're probably getting in the hope that the best model for your money. There are several options for three great models that have a look at perhaps the Garmin 205, 305 and 405 The 205 is the least expensive, so if you are looking for a great value for the lowest cost, then this is to select the desired . However, the best Garmin Forerunner and is usually the most expensive of 305, because it includes more options forthe selling price and seems to be a best seller of the 405.

The Garmin 205 and 305 are already on the market and has a good track record. One advantage is that the 305 is fully equipped with a heart monitor and then add a foot pod and cadence sensor so that it can be used outdoors. It is probably a better buy for you, because it is often on the market and the price is comparable to the regular model price of 205.

The Garmin 405 was no longerthe two earlier models and was meant to be a second choice for the 305. Its features aren't quite as impressive as the 305 but it is slightly smaller and easier to transport. As compared to the 305, it can only display 3 data fields at once. The 305 has the ability to display 4 data fields, which is a plus for many people. Its menu is also more cumbersome than the 305 because it requires you to scroll through commands using a rotating touch bezel. It can also be used to download data to your computer which some people find appealing. Some 405 models come equipped with a heart monitor and some have the capability to add one later.

Of the three models, the Garmin 405 is a wonderful choice especially if you want the smallest model available. The 305 has an outstanding track record and comes with comparable features to the 405. Both of these models can usually be purchased on sale at close to what you'll pay for the 205, which doesn't include as many bells and whistles. Only you can decide the best Garmin Forerunner for you. You will be impressed with the device no matter which model you buy.

Finding the Best Garmin Forerunner

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Monday, October 3, 2011

A Question Asked by Beginning Runners: What Is a Tempo Run?

!9# A Question Asked by Beginning Runners: What Is a Tempo Run?

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What is a tempo run? You may have wondered what it is and why experienced runners find it beneficial. Tempo-running refers to a certain speed of running, which is not too fast yet not too slow. It is faster than easy running, but slower than interval running. It is the rate at which you can maintain a faster paced running, but not too fast that your legs will start feeling heavy after a few minutes.

What is a tempo run? It is building the right pace.

It may be quite hard to achieve the right pace of a tempo-run during your first few tries, but you will eventually get the hang of it. Just keep on trying and do not exceed past the speed where you will start to feel an uncomfortable sensation in your legs.

What is a tempo run? It is running at a speed just below your lactic acid threshold.

The heavy feeling on your legs is the accumulation of lactic acid in your muscles. Lactic acid is produced when you exercise. The faster you run the more lactic acid your body produces. The body is designed to clear the lactic acid from your muscles. However, there is a certain level at which it can tolerate. When you run too fast your body produces too much lactic acid, causing build-up of lactic acid in your muscles. This will cause your legs to feel heavy, making them work less well.

What is a tempo run? It helps increase your lactic acid threshold.

When trying to achieve a tempo-run, you should run at a speed just below your lactic acid threshold or lactate threshold. Tempo-running will train your body to get rid of the lactic acid. In the long run, your body will be able to adjust to your faster pace and get better at it.

By doing more tempo-runs, your lactic acid threshold will increase. So then, you will be able to run faster without your legs getting heavy. Yes, you will also be able to maintain a certain speed even in long distances. This is exactly what you would want to accomplish in your tempo-runs!

Kenyans dominate long distance running because they run at or just a little below their lactate threshold in many of their running workouts. This is one solid proof that it really works.

What is a tempo run? It is physically and mentally challenging.

Tempo running can be quite tough to achieve. Experts recommend that you do this type of running not just for the physical but also for the mental aspects. You will need to focus so that you can maintain a certain speed. This focus on maintaining the right speed is what helps you become a better runner mentally. In the long run, you will be able to run at a faster pace for a prolonged period of time.

What is a tempo run? It is building your pace for faster running.

When starting off, it is best to do tempo intervals. These are intervals at a tempo speed. A typical workout is 4 to 6 x 1k with a few minutes of jogging in between. You can move on to a faster speed when you get used to the speed. You can then start doing 3 x 10 mins with 3-5 mins recovery, and then move up to a standard tempo running workout of 2 x 20 mins with 5 mins recovery. With the right tempo pace, you can maintain a certain speed for about an hour. You can play with variations of this, but it should typically never exceed one hour.

What is a tempo run? It will train you to be a better long distance runner.

Tempo running is an effective training for increasing your running speed as a long distance runner. Make sure you include tempo runs in your running program to build up your speed and endurance.

A Question Asked by Beginning Runners: What Is a Tempo Run?

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